Ain't nobody got time for that!

Saints on a tray, having a fall, Sue in a suitcase, Mrs Wembley and an upgraded Steptoe's Yard.

May 09, 2024 Michelle & Sue Season 2 Episode 12

Welcome back listeners, to another episode of Ain't Nobody Got Time For That! Today Sue spends most of the episode with her hands on her hips as she is not happy being back in the UK, if anyone can help with her move to Spain, please get in touch. We  ask a lot of questions today, including: How do you pronounce lichen? Will we get cancelled? Will Sue fit in a suitcase and What hit's different? It's a random one to say the least! Warning, there is more swearing than usual! Get in touch with things that, as Sue put it, "get your goat" via Instagram @angtftpodcast, while you are there give us a follow and please subscribe to the podcast, it makes us feel loved! See you same time next time!