Ain't nobody got time for that!

Welcome back! Today we discuss our professionalism (or lack of) when we have a 'live' business meeting, we remember eating best at BHS and drinking peach schnapps, and we dust off the Flux Capacitor.

November 09, 2023 Michelle & Sue Season 2 Episode 1

Welcome all to episode 1 of season 2, if you have only just joined us, get back to season one, there's 23 (or 12 as Michelle says wrongly in this episode) exciting episodes to enjoy! Today we ask... how many eyes do spiders have? Can we time travel with The Speakman's? And, is it best to eat at BHS? This episode is a tad random, but nothing new there. We do talk about the sad passing of Matthew Perry, and how much Sue loves Friends, but of course we don't get too maudlin. Get over to our Instagram to see Michelle's fly trap (not a euphemism), and to give us a follow @angtftpodcast  Send us a DM if you have anything you want us to talk about or if you have a question you'd like us to answer. Please like and subscribe to the podcast, it makes us feel loved! See you same time, next time!